Texas Republican Voter Engagement PAC (VEP) are hosting Zoom meetings.Topic: VEP Red Dialer Morning Training (Nine sessions this week)SEE DETAILS for ZOOM BELOW———————————————————————————————————————————————-CONGRATULATIONS PATRIOT VOLUNTEERS! Thank-you for making calls for VEP and registering our newest Texas Republicans. We have a relatively small group calling, but they are dynamite workers. However, we wanted EVERYONE to know the great numbers to date. REMEMBER! Our goal is at least 100,000 new Republican voters.
- THROUGH Mid- June our team made 567,000 calls
- THROUGH Mid-June our team registered 95,798 new REPUBLICANS!
- This feat has been accomplished in FOUR months!!!
YES! I think once the next ‘check’ on total numbers comes in it will show that our team indeed registered 100,000 new Rs by INDEPENDENCE DAY 2022! THANK-YOU VOLUNTEERS! Now, is the work OVER? It really is NOT. AUGUST is one of the busiest months for voter registration because new moves have been made, families have settled in for the new school year and YES! we need to call and get these additional new movers registered. We will have so many close races and the last few registrations will make the difference.I hope you will join us.Some other EXCITING NEWS!
- Those newly registered Republican voters in YOUR AREA may be called, welcoming them to your precinct, district, county on behalf of your Congressional, State House, County Judge, etc. candidates. All you have to do is contact Tina Gibson, your Regional Director and let me know you want to get started from a simple email list welcoming the newest Rs to your home neighborhoods.
- We have block walking lists to register new movers in yourarea. If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Tina Gibson, your Regional Director.
- Ongoing Days of Action are happening THIS Saturday, July 9 and every other Saturday in July and August. Your help would be welcomed in support of our teams on the ground and making phone calls.
- Lastly, stay tuned for the list of the targeted State House, Congressional and Down-ballot races that we will have an opportunity to help win. Strike Force is on the horizon!
It’s not too late to join the VICTORY PARTY! If you have not had a chance to do the Red Dialer phone call training, nine are scheduled this week.Thank you!Tina Gibson <tinamgibson80@gmail.com>Texas Federation of Republican Women District Director, Senate District 17President, Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican WomenThe Republican Women’s Club of KatyTexas Republican Voter Engagement Houston Metro Area DirectorFort Bend Precinct Chair, 3029713-412-1620————————————————————————————————————————————————–Topic: VEP Red Dialer Evening Training (July 14th)Time: Jul 14, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/88241043520?pwd=QndiOGZPSFV1dC9qMDJkdVhtUDhLdz09Meeting ID: 882 4104 3520Passcode: VEP2022One tap mobile+13462487799,,88241043520#,,,,*6968797# US (Houston)Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)Meeting ID: 882 4104 3520Passcode: 6968797Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kpeXlyYqf