Event Details

Strong Families • Safe Communities • Opportunity for All

Eastern Fort Bend County Republican Club

  Special Guest Speaker, Sheriff A J Louderback, Executive Director of the Texas Sheriffs’ Regional Alliance and a respected national authority on Border Security, repeatedly appearing on Fox News, NPR, […]


Special Guest Speaker, Sheriff A J Louderback, Executive Director of the Texas Sheriffs’ Regional Alliance and a respected national authority on Border Security, repeatedly appearing on Fox News, NPR, Newsmax and many radio shows across the nation.

AJ Louderback is a fifth generation Texan, a forty-year plus law enforcement professional, and was elected to five terms as Jackson County Sheriff.

A true visionary, Louderback was the first Texas Sheriff to publicly denounce Federal immigration policies affecting Texas. As a fierce advocate for a secure border and nation, he led the charge on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s 287(g) program in the Coastal Bend region, establishing the largest group of 287(g) Sheriffs’ Offices in this nation. This led to being a Border Security advisor to the Trump administration and a Service to the Homeland award by ICE leadership.

Sheriff Louderback was a founding member, and currently the Executive Director of the Texas Sheriffs’ Regional Alliance, nineteen Texas Sheriffs’ dedicated to working together to fight transnational cartel crime and ensure public safety.

Louderback established himself as a respected national authority on Border Security by repeated interviews and television appearances on Fox News, NPR, Newsmax and many radio shows across the nation.

As a life member of the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas, and committee chair in the National Sheriffs’ Association, Louderback is still actively involved in promoting the Office of Sheriff nationwide.

As a true Border Security subject matter expert, Louderback has always stood with Immigration Customs Enforcement and our US Border Patrol to secure a strong, national border.

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