Repunlican Women’s Club of Katy – Christmas Luncheon
Palacio Maria 21728 Highland Knolls, Katy, TXREGISTER NOW!
The Media Crisis, Speaker: Konni Burton - Founder/CEO The Texan Former Member Texas State Senate Register Now
RWCK October General Meeting REGISTER NOW!
RWCK September General Meeting Register Now
May General Meeting & Luncheon: Climate Change & Our Environment ? Scam or Not ? Register Online
HUMAN TRAFFICKING: What you Don't Know, Guest Speaker: Kathy McGibbon Givens Register Online
March Luncheon: Media and Politics, featuring Sam Malone. The prejudice is obvious. Time for Conservatives to Fight Back. Register Now
The February meeting of the Republican Women's Club of Katy will feature special guests Cindy Siegel and Bobby Eberle. The meeting will be held at Palacio Maria in Katy on Thursday, February 2. RSVP NOW!
Let's kickoff the holiday season with a wonderful bunch of ladies, toys for kids, singing with a beautiful choir, and a COOKIE SWAP!! JUST BRING A COUPLE OF DOZEN OF YOUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS TREATS TO SHARE WITH THE CLUB. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE SOME HOME TO SHARE WITH THE FAMILY (or eat them […]
ELECTION UPDATES Vincent Morales FB County Commissioner, Precinct 1 Assessing the early voting response and taking a hard look at the future plans for our communities. $25 members $28 non-members $35 at the door RSVP ONLINE