Contact: James Pressler
(713) 253-2863

September 1, 2022

State Board of Education Delays Vote on Anti-American Social Studies in Texas Schools

SUGAR LAND, TX — On Tuesday, the Texas State Board of Education voted to temporarily stop the review and revision process on the Social Studies standards, also known as “Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills” (TEKS). The Board’s decision means that efforts to delete “In God We Trust” from United States history classes, along with efforts to infuse classes with critical race theory, were stopped.

“The proposed changes were unacceptable and, in many cases, illegal. Texas children need to be protected from politically-driven indoctrination. Schools should be places where children come together to learn and be united, not driven apart based on race or anti-American propaganda. The proposed changes put families last, when we should be putting families first,” said Bobby Eberle, Chairman of the Fort Bend County Republican Party.

The State Board of Education must finalize these votes on Friday, September 2nd.

The proposed changes would require educators to violate Texas law by, for example, teaching subjects associated with critical race theory. The proposed changes would also eliminate the teaching of Texas history as stand-alone courses, which is a time-honored tradition of Texas schools. The proposed changes encourage disrespect toward law enforcement and further drive children away from the foundation upon which our state and country were founded.

“It is clear that the e-mails, telephone calls, and public testimony from concerned parents across the state of Texas had a significant impact on the draft proposals for the proposed Social Studies standards. All parents and concerned citizens, regardless of political party, must continue to demand that education standards comply with Texas law and reflect the traditions and values of Texas,” said Eberle.

The Fort Bend County Republican Party is committed to strong families, safe communities, and opportunity for all. Our mission is to grow the Republican Party by engaging new voters in the most diverse county in Texas, advancing conservative principles, and supporting candidates and office holders who share a vision of a better Fort Bend County.



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