Troy Nehls Addressing the Sweetgrass Republican Club of Fort Bend County Tx.


In the shadow of one of the darkest days in our nation’s history, Fort Bend County Republicans gathered to reaffirm our commitment to the values that unite us. This somber yet resolute meeting was graced by the presence of our distinguished Congressman, Troy Nehls, who brought words of insight and encouragement to our community at the Sweetgrass Republican Club in Richmond, Texas.


Congressman Nehls addressed the critical issues facing our nation, starting with the consequences of our open borders. He highlighted the urgent need for strong border policies to protect our citizens and preserve the rule of law. His words resonated deeply, reflecting the concerns of many Fort Bend residents who have witnessed the impact of these policies firsthand.


The Congressman then turned his attention to the ongoing legal battles surrounding former President Donald J. Trump. He described the lawfare trial as a travesty, a stark reminder of the political challenges and injustices faced by leaders who dare to stand up for everyday Americans. Congressman Nehls stated emphatically that President Trump was unjustly convicted by a rigged trial, a grave injustice that has only strengthened our resolve to support him. His unwavering support for President Trump was evident, and his words were met with robust applause from the audience.


The session was interactive, with Congressman Nehls taking numerous questions from the crowd about the current political climate in Washington, D.C. He provided candid responses, shedding light on the complex dynamics at play and the efforts being made to safeguard the interests of our citizens. His transparency and willingness to engage in open dialogue were greatly appreciated, fostering a sense of trust and solidarity among attendees.


In a heartfelt conclusion to the event, Congressman Nehls, along with the attendees, recorded a personal message of support for President Trump, expressing their admiration for the former president’s relentless fight for the American people. The video, a testament to the deep respect and support that the Fort Bend Republicans hold for President Trump, will be embedded in this post to uplift and encourage him in his ongoing battle.


This meeting was more than just a political gathering; it was a reaffirmation of our shared values and a demonstration of our collective resolve. The Fort Bend County Republican Party remains steadfast in our commitment to nurturing strong families, maintaining safe communities, and creating opportunities for all. We are inspired by leaders like Congressman Nehls, who embody the spirit of service and dedication that drives our mission.


As we navigate these challenging times, we draw strength from our unity and the unwavering belief in the principles that define us. Together, we will continue to advocate for policies that enhance the well-being of our families, ensure the safety of our communities, and promote fairness and opportunity for every resident of Fort Bend County.


Stay tuned for the video message from Congressman Nehls and the attendees to President Trump, which is embedded below. Let us continue to stand together, support our leaders, and work towards a brighter future for all.


Update:  President Trump’s personal response to the video:

“Troy: That is sooo Great. Thank them all. I adore them – And you!!!”


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